Pavement Consultants Inc. (PCI) is an engineering/consulting firm specializing in asphalt pavements, and the foundations on which they are placed. We help pavement owners, and those who are responsible for their management and maintenance, who are disappointed in the performance of their pavements, frustrated that repairs they may have made are in need of repair, and confused by contractors, make proper, cost-effective, and timely decisions. For new, or reconstruction, we can assist the owner of a pavement, for an approximate 10%-15% increase in initial construction costs, we can often double the life expectancy of the structure.
Focusing on the owner's needs, goals and budget, PCI will recommend maintenance methods that have been proven over time to be cost effective and will lengthen and enhance the service life of the pavement. The asphalt experts at PCI are well versed in pavement rehabilitation. Utilizing the prioritized list of pavement distress from the initial site assessment, we will develop a plan of rehabilitation strategies, including budget estimates and alternatives that can vary with both short-term and long-term goals.
As a consulting firm, Pavement Consultants Inc. is unique in that pavements, and the foundations on which they are constructed, are our only business. While our clients may rely on other firms for much of their geo-technical guidance, they place their trust in PCI for their paving advice. Our expertise in asphalt pavement design, construction and maintenance allows us to assist owners to develop budgets, plan for repairs and maintenance, and design new facilities in the most cost-effective fashion.