The Pavement Exchange Group is a nationwide asphalt and concrete paving service facilitator. We are a service-focused business, specializing in commercial pavement. With more than 1200 contractors in our database we can offer a wide variety of professionals to execute any pavement job. As a facilitator, PEG is the conduit for the contractor and the client to work more efficiently to collaborate and achieve synergy, building sustainable agreements and relationships that are mutually beneficial and long-term.
Another PEG #concretemakeove r is underway! Loving the start of beautiful Spring weather! #tgiMarch #Springfever #commercialpavin g #pavementmainten ance #pavingLasVegas#beforepic #concrete #parkinglots #nationwidecontr actor #staysafe #maskup #PavementExchang e
Our amazing PEG team members Tish Miles and Michele Schutte are working on an exciting project this #womenshistorymo nth. A big announcement is coming soon! #staytuned #womeninasphalt #ourteamrocks #pavementmainten ance #asphalt #concrete #nationwidecontr actor #parkinglotmakeo ver #staysafe #maskup #PavementExchang e
Celebrating Black History this month and every month. Did you know the traffic light was invented in 1923 by Garrett Morgan, the son of former slaves? He also invented the gas mask and safety helmet, saving countless firefighters' lives around the world. Where would we be without him? 🚦#...