Edging is often chosen to clearly define the driveway and parking areas. It is completely optional, and is often chosen in order to obtain a clean finished look. We commonly install either a Metal Edge or a Belgian Block Edge around the driveway perimeter. If this is something you are. An oil & stone driveway, sometimes known as tar & chip, will offer the look of a gravel driveway, but will still provide a strong and durable surface. We suggest two coats of oil and stone on new driveway surfaces.
Driveways less than 10 feet wide will be too narrow to drive or park comfortably. Twelve feet will be enough to assure you can get in and out of your vehicle without stepping on lawn or landscape material. If buildings, retaining walls or garden walls surround your driveway, you should add another 2 feet to allow enough room to open car doors without damage to either the walls or car. This will enable you to park two cars side by side. Again its is best to add another 3-4 feet to this if you are surrounded by buildings or walls.
SFA in Southampton, NY looking for help for the spring season. Openings for drivers, laborers, and operators. Full and part time. Benefits and long term employment opportunities. Call, stop by, message, or email us. 631-283-0037, general@southfo rkasphalt.com
Breaking in the new paver. New parking lot with a great view. #southforkasphal t #sfa #weiler #newpaver #millandfill #hopenncat #hamptons #work #asphalt @ The Bridge
Get some parking lots ready for asphalt #macktrucks #millingmachine #work #asphalt #weiler #southforkasphal t #sfa #caronavirus #socialdistancin g @ The Bridge