Regardless if you need a quick fix or you have a serious problem, we are trained and experienced for all pool repairs. If you also want to revive your old pool and make it look new again, we are trained and experienced for all pool renovations too. We are the pool repair and renovation experts in Omaha. We are a specialty pool company. We limit our offerings to what we do best - to what we are trained and experienced to do - to make sure the work is completed correctly. And we get the job done on time, often ahead of schedule.

We are a recognized business by the State of Nebraska, incorporated since 1999 as an S-Corporation. Additionally, we are a Registered Contractor in the State of Nebraska, approved for leak detection, repairs, and renovations. We have General Liability insurance with a Workers Compensation endorsement. Prior to hiring us - prior to hiring any company or contractor - ask for a Certificate of Insurance (COI). Not only will you have confidence in our skills and qualifications to get the work done and get your pool back into service, but you'll also feel protected knowing we meet all compliance while working on your property.

Expert Pool Work, Inc. is a pool contractor. We are registered with the State of Nebraska and approved for the pool work we offer in Omaha and the surrounding areas. At first glance, there seems to be many pool contractors in Omaha. But are there? There is no regulation in the swimming pool industry, which alone is troubling. And the online search engines don't ask for proof. Therefore, anybody can say that they are a contractor. But few of us can prove it. If you're discussing pool work with an individual or company and they tell you they're a contractor, ask for their Nebraska Contractor Registration Number.

Expert Pool Work, Inc. is a Registered Contractor with the State of Nebraska, approved to work on all commercial pools in Omaha and the surrounding areas. There are times when the State needs to approve your pool work. If your work requires State approval, then we handle ALL of the requirements. This includes hiring the engineer, submitting all plans and paperwork, paying fees, and receiving the approval letter from the State. Once approved, we will then handle the coordination and completion of the actual pool work.

Expert Pool Work, Inc. is industry-trained and experienced to work on most fiberglass pools in Omaha and the surrounding areas. There is too much liability associated with draining a fiberglass pool. This is primarily true if there are no indicators of proper groundwater evacuation under the pool or proper drainage around the pool. Therefore, at this time - to include the upcoming 2020 pool season - we will not bid any type of work that requires the fiberglass pool to be completely drained and empty.

Expert Pool Work, Inc. is industry-trained and experienced to work on vinyl liner pools in Omaha and the surrounding areas. Our freeze/thaw climate can be hectic on your liner. And so can the way you add chemicals. When your vinyl liner pool needs work, not only will we solve your problem(s) and get your pool back into service, but we'll also teach you how to chemically-treat and maintain that pool going forward. There are a lot vinyl liner pool installers in town. A lot of them can install a new pool, but they seemingly have a difficult time reverse-engineering the install when an existing vinyl liner pool needs work.

What's new?

Expert Pool Work, Inc. has been Omaha's premier inground pool company since 1999 for leak detection, repairs, and improvements.

Posted on Dec 09, 2018  •  Facebook

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