The top factor is TIMELINESS which is the hallmark at Swimming Pool Inspection Services. Timely swimming pool inspection reports, accurate work swiftly done, fast factual work that is to-the-point, on time every time, makes the difference. And saves insurance professionals like you time, money and headaches! Have complete confidence in our inspector's work, along with truthful reporting of actual cause of loss. Our inspectors maintain good communication and property owners appreciate their professional behavior at all times.
Swimming Pool Inspection Services (SPI) was established in 2010 by WD Michlin as a way to provide reliable, unbiased inspections for insurance adjusters in Southern California. Over the last five years, SPI has grown to encompass a nationwide network of swimming pool inspectors and experts, and has performed inspections all across the country. The idea for SPI began in 2009 after helping pools in Southern California come into compliance with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGBA).
Swimming Pool Inspection Services has a nationwide network of professional, experienced pool inspectors who are qualified to perform any type of pool inspection for both residential and public pools. No matter where you're located, our inspectors will make sure your pool is in line with all local pool regulations. And if it's not, they'll advise you on how to correct any issues. Most municipalities and counties have pool regulations related to nearly every aspect of pool construction and maintenance.
Swimming Pool Inspection Services inspects any type of pool decking for insurance professionals when an expert opinion is needed because of a claim. Swimming Pool Inspection Services manages a network of over 500 pool and spa contractors and experts to support any claims that involve pool decking in the continental United States. We are a reliable resource for all Property and Casualty claims professionals. We can inspect any pool decking (pavers, wood, brick, concrete, and more) within the continental United States.
When most people consider what it takes to maintain their commercial pool, they are concerned with the maintenance of the swimming pool's plaster, electrical equipment, and water chemistry. However, maintaining a commercial pool also requires caring for the decking and surrounding areas, both to ensure that the pool is in top working condition, and to verify that the decking and surrounding areas are safe for those using the pool. If you are the owner or manager of a commercial swimming pool, having your pool decking inspected is vital to the health and safety of your pool's guests, and to the well-being of your business.
Swimming Pool Inspection Services has solved the problem of the insurance adjuster having to decide if a leak detection service, engineer or licensed pool contractor is needed. We provide all of these services so that double and triple fees are not necessary. Before Swimming Pool Inspection Services existed, the normal procedure for both the insured and insurance adjuster was to call a leak detection service to locate the leak. This was done with the idea that if you knew where the leak was located, you might be able to assess the cause of the leak and the cost to fix it.
Swimming Pool Inspection Services supports swimming pool claims requiring inspection by a swimming pool engineer, whether it be a civil engineer, soil engineer, or structural engineer. Our swimming pool engineers can inspect and report damage, determine appropriate mitigation and estimate repair costs. When it comes to swimming pool engineering, our engineers are a reliable resource for all Property and Casualty claims professionals. We can inspect any pool within the continental United States. We will tell you what is actually wrong with the pool, what portion of the problem is your insurance company's responsibility and how much it will cost to fix the problem.
Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called out to inspect a swimming pool in Diamond Bar, CA that had been drained for an extended period of time, following a house fire. The homeowner drained the pool because there was no power running to the pool pump and filter system. However, leaving the pool empty for an extensive amount of time resulted in additional damage to the plaster of the pool. Our inspector spoke with the public adjuster at the property who explained that a fire in the air conditioning unit spread to the house, with visible fire damage to the pool heater unit.
A leak in your public pool or hot tub can cause big issues if left untreated. At Swimming Pool Inspection Services, we have a nationwide network of experienced contractors and engineers who specialize in leak detection for pools, and can determine if your public pool or spa has a leak, and, if necessary, advise you on how to repair the leak, before the problem worsens. There are several ways to determine if a swimming pool, hot tub or spa has a leak. However, because of the nature of a public pool, including frequent use resulting in water loss and higher usage of chemicals, detecting a pool leak from the naked eye can be difficult.
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