Bullfrog Spas are premium hot tubs that give you a completely personalized spa experience. The patented JetPak Therapy System gives you the ability to select your favorite massage, place it in your favorite seat and interchange massages at any time, for a completely personalized hot tub experience.

Your fireplace or stove will work best if you burn wood that has been cut and dried for a minimum of 6 months. Never burn newspapers, other paper items, plastics, pressure treated wood, painted wood, particle board or wood with nails in it. These contain chemicals that can damage your stove, your own health, and the environment. If you see any discoloration on the glass of your fireplace, this is creosote. Creosote is created as a byproduct of burning wood. One of the best things you can do to prevent this is never use wood that has any amount of moisture in it, as this is what actually creates the creosote.