Founded in 1987, Accurate Pool Service, Inc. is a family-owned business. Accurate Pool Service, Inc. began as an above ground/in-ground Pool Service Company with one truck servicing the Lake County Area. Ten years after establishment, Accurate Pool Service, Inc. acquired Rollene Pools, a local company who had been servicing in-ground swimming pools in the North Shore for more than 30 years. With this combined experience and expertise, Accurate made the decision shortly after to specialize with in-ground swimming pools.
Whether you take care of the pool yourself or have a professional do it, a pool can change in hours if a problem is not addressed right away. A pool that is not balanced and working properly is unsafe for those using it. It's important to know and understand how your pool is being used and know the environment around your pool, and how it affects your pool. Every pool has its own personality. It needs to be learned and understood. I have known Roger and Accurate Pool Service, Inc. since its inception.
Many manufacturers greatly reduce the warranty of their products (including pool heaters) if they are not sold and installed by a pool professional. Pool heaters are considered an appliances. Proper disposal of an old heater is often over looked. Efficiency ratings reduce as heaters age. A heater can be a vital part of getting the most enjoyment out of your pool. Having the water at that perfect temperature for your family can extend (the entirely too short summer season) into the spring and fall, and does not make your use of the pool be influenced by temperature loss over the cooler nights.
We offer what we believe are the industries best and most reliable pumps in the industry. There are many variables to consider when replacing such a vital piece of your pool's circulation system including size, energy efficiency and reliability. I have known Roger and Accurate Pool Service, Inc. since its inception. In all those years, I have never had a problem with Accurate Pool Service, Inc. Any time I call for a repair or with a problem, they are out immediately to service my needs. As far as I'm concerned, Accurate has no equal in the pool business.
Accurate Pool Service, Inc. via @Houzz
Are you ready to Open your pool? Please give us a call.
Pool Season is almost here. Start thinking about getting your pool opened. Contact us for more details! We are happy to serve you.
Fall is coming. Do you have any Pool Renovation Projects you would like done? Please contact us, we will be happy to give you a quote!
Stay cool and enjoy your pool. Please monitor your Chlorine Level! Heat and usage will use it up quickly.
Pump Motor Cleanings!!! Motors need to be cleaned out, airflow is a must. Contact us about our Pump Motor Cleaning Special.