Leaf Shield's™ unique design is based on the scientific principle of liquid adhesion. As water flows over the Leaf Shield™ the molecular attraction between the metal and the water causes the water to cling to the surface and follow the bends around the nose of the Leaf Shield™ allowing it to drain into the rain gutters. At the same time, leaves, pine needles, and other debris fall to the ground. Gutters or seamless gutters come in a wide variety of colors and play an important role in not only how your house looks but also how it funtions.
Seamless Gutters also know as seamless rain gutters or continuous rain gutters come in a wide variety of colors to match your home or business exterior color. Seamless rain gutters have the advantage of no or few areas where they are joined which eliminates the chance for leaks. For that reason seamless gutters are by far the most popular rain gutter in the U.S. Cold forming technology was invented in the 1960's to allow continuous aluminum rain gutters to be created on site in long individual lengths suitable to roof edge conditions, thereby reducing joints along the length of the rain gutter.
If you have open rain gutters, they should be cleaned at least twice a year, in the Spring after trees bud dropping seed pods and in the fall after they drop acorns and their leaves. Depending on conditions where you live an additional cleaning or two may also be necessary. If you have a low-sloped roof, maintenance may be required on your roof due to debris falling on it. A simple cleaning with a broom or blower is all that is necessary. Loose debris accumulating on your roof is a fire hazard and is extremely bad for the roof, causing accelerated wear and backing water up under the shingles.
Copper Gutters have long been one of the best choices to enhance the beauty and value of your home. Copper gutters start out looking like a shiny penny and over the years will turn a rich elegant brown and ultimately will develope a greenish patina. This patina is the beauty and elegance that is aged copper. Types Of Copper Gutters There are many styles of copper gutters so you can get one that matches the style you want for your home rain gutters or business rain gutters. Some people actually look for ways to speed up the development of the patina on copper gutters.
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Cleaning your gutters is one of the most important projects on the to-do list http://t.co/LA1zlkKkXP http://t.co/HWi2pKAohf
ARE YOUR GUTTERS FAILING? Obvious Warning Signs of Failing Gutters: •Gutter hanging off the home •www.leafshield. http://t.co/9SlNZCBXj4
Copper guttering looks great on many homes. http://t.co/xLxDHgHQKu
Leaf Shield makes gutter cleaning a thing of the past and protects your home too! http://t.co/1L66bfufnq http://t.co/zlBALFEdP2
Do your downspouts need cleaned?http:// www.seamlessgutt erstoday.com/ article/ clearing-your-cl ogged-downspout s.html
We do roofs too! http:// www.homeshieldro of.com