Hardy Kuenzl immigrated from Germany in 1981. After living off grid for many years, designing and installing many PV systems, and obtaining his electrical contractors license, he founded Gaia Energy Systems in 1994. When Hardy and Kate Collins married, Kate added her expertise in business management and finance to the business, becoming a partner in 2003. As a team they have built Gaia Energy Systems into the full service solar company that it is today, serving all of northern California, with expertise in all aspects of on-grid and off-grid residential and commercial solar design and installation.
Representatives from Gaia Energy Systems were pleased to speak at a recent Mendocino Finance Workshop held in Willits, CA. This workshop, offered free to Loan Officers, Realtors®, and Homeowners, helped the community learn about new programs that make home energy upgrades affordable. As a company Gaia Energy Systems has always been dedicated to enhancing the communities in which we live and work. Over the years we have had the opportunity to participate in programs to install solar panels on Habitat for Humanity homes, affordable housing development projects, and even a free solar program for lower income home owners.
The Sales Associates position will work with our experienced Sales Engineers to create and pursue new residential solar sales opportunities from company provided leads and self-generated leads. This position reports to the General Sales Manager. Gaia Energy Systems has been exceeding customer expectations in Northern California since 1994. We are a technically based company providing both Residential and Commercial Solar Design and Installation, as well as ongoing commercial operations and maintenance.
At Gaia we pride ourselves on exceeding your expectations. We have established a strong reputation for doing high quality work, on time, at a great value. We believe that going solar should be simple for the customer. You are making a great decision that will benefit your home or business and the world. We are here each step of the way to answer your questions and insure that your solar installation is done right, the first time, so you can relax, and enjoy watching the meter spin backwards.
Turning sunlight into power or solar power for your home or business just makes sense. With energy costs continuing to rise, and solar panels at their lowest prices ever, going solar and using free solar energy is a smart choice for your family, a strong step for your business, and a great move for the planet. Your diligence, professionalism & caring far surpassed my expectations and I appreciate your support to get this project finished! Gaia Energy Systems has the experience and expertise to insure that your solar panel installation is done right, the first time.
Renewable energy and sun energy is the power of the future in Santa Rosa. This is exciting news for both homeowners and business owners in Santa Rosa and the surrounding region! Renewable energy and sun energy offers a lot of potential to save huge amounts of money both individually, and collectively as a community. Plus, renewable energy like sun power can help communities like Santa Rosa reduce the impact of its own carbon footprint. The sun, the most powerful renewable solar energy source, provides twenty thousand times as much energy to the earth as the entire planet uses.
If you want to go solar in Santa Rosa, Gaia Energy Systems is one of the leading dealers and installers of solar panels on Santa Rosa homes and businesses. Solar energy is a growing market and will continue to flourish in the 21st century. Solar homes in Santa Rosa maintain a higher market value, are environmentally friendly, and have electrical cost that are less to power and heat. Gaia Energy Systems has been selling solar panels in Santa Rosa for almost a decade and we specialize in custom solutions for homes and businesses.
Solar energy in Santa Rosa is rapidly growing, and Gaia Energy Systems is very proud to serve the Santa Rosa market with solar system design, solar panel installation, solar energy maintenance and service. We have been pioneers in the solar energy industry, and have been serving the Santa Rosa area for over 18 years. We are truly passionate about solar energy in Santa Rosa, and we are delighted that solar panels are becoming a more common means of producing photovoltaic solar energy to Santa Rosa homes and businesses.
Effectively designing for solar will increase the potential for energy generation and decrease the installation costs, yet many architects miss significant opportunities to optimize for solar, or design for solar incorrectly. Let us help you to help your clients. We are always happy to assist architects in optimizing for solar. Give us a call today, and we'll be happy to have one of our experienced designers assist you in optimizing for solar.
As an experienced commercial solar solutions company Gaia Energy Systems provides integrated services to design, finance, install, and maintain solar power projects for large and small businesses, schools, offices, wineries, commercial storefronts, municipalities, non-profits, health providers, and more. Commercial solar installations often require specialized design considerations. It is essential to work with a team that is well versed in a range of solutions, such as ground mounts, pole mounts, trackers, micro inverters, and real time monitoring.
At Gaia we are experts in all types of residential solar installation. From urban center to remote off-grid, we have the experience to handle all types of system design and installation, all roof top styles, ground mount systems, tracking systems, inverter systems and battery systems. For most people who are currently connected to a power provider such as PG&E, SMUD, or a local municipal power provider, a grid-tied system is an ideal solution. Grid-tie systems are simple, cost effective, and very reliable.
As a builder you may run into unknown territory when building for, or around, a solar installation. We see too many clients who could have saved a lot of time and money if their contractor had consulted with an experienced solar designer. Don't make that mistake.
Solar panel cleaning Santa Rosa and Northern California can depend on to keep their solar panel systems working to the most optimal fashion. Solar panel maintenance can mean the difference between your system working effectively or not. When you need solar panel cleaning, maintenance, or solar repair for your solar energy system, contact Gaia Energy Systems for commercial and residential solar cleaning services. Proper solar panel cleaning is essential for maximum solar energy production. Extensive soiling can reduce array output by 20% or more.
So if you haven't seen the Willits News Article, here it is. I guess it's official now. Thank you to those of you who've followed us these past years!
Sorry to everyone for the website being down the past few days. And thank you for the emails letting me know it was down. A glitch with automatic billing on a card that had been stolen. So my tip for the day, make sure and check automatic billings, expecially those that only come up every few years. Have a great weekend everyone!
Thank you to everyone who came out for the sale this weekend and those of you dropped by just to say hi. A special thanks to Roger at Wowser who took a whole lot of scrap metal off our hands. We can hardly wait to see what they build with it. Also thank you to our good friends Mike & Jim who came by and helped us get everything moved from one warehouse to the other. We couldn't have done it without you!
Last Weekend for the Gaia Winter Willits Warehouse Sale! We've also got Garage sale items. Tools, parts, filing cabinets, Microwave, Sewing Machine, antiques, toys and dolls. You won't believe everything that's here and we've got to sell it or move it by Monday so tell your friends and come on down. 107 North Main Street, Willits. Got questions, give me a call at 707-272-8136. Enjoy your weekend!
Hey it's going to be a beautiful weekend and Gaia will be having the Gaia Winter Willits Warehouse Sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Everything must go by Sunday night! Come on by and let's play "Let's make a deal!"