A GAHT system allows the greenhouse to provide its own heating and cooling using the energy of the sun, and the soil underground. The result is a renewable climate control system that both heats and cools the greenhouse at a fraction of the cost of traditional HVAC. Ceres creates sustainable growing environments by combining smart design, innovative technology, and dynamic partnerships. Every greenhouse is designed using the highest quality materials and equipment, with customized environmental controls to suit your desired climate and growing goals.
Our greenhouse tour is going virtual!
Interesting article about a new design concept that combines urban food production and affordable housing into one big urban redevelopment tool.
Around this time of year, the strawberries at your grocery store probably don't look the way ripe strawberries are supposed to look. That's because they're most likely shipped in from far away and therefore didn't get the chance to fully ripen. What if you could have access to perfectly ripe and...
This is what growing leafy greens in the winter looks like in Canada. When it's especially cloudy or snowy outside, the supplemental LEDs will turn on in this Ceres greenhouse to ensure the lettuce is getting enough light.