Running a business is hard. Making sure you have a competitive edge, achieving success with employees, customers and metrics of your service and product is top of mind - constantly. Focusing on energy management may fall short of priority. When it comes to your bottom line, realizing the cost of this hole in focus is frustrating. Getting ahead of this realization is where Rocknoll Energy can help. Imagine your electricity bill being half or a third of what it is today. Putting a couple measures in place such as better, more efficient lighting and utilization of renewable energy can help you towards this valuable cash flow infusion.
Converting the power of the sun into energy to provide independence for your family, community or business is an empowering choice. Whether your goal is to reduce your carbon footprint, your reliance on your utility or your cost of electricity; solar energy is a smart choice. The cost of solar has fallen more than 20 percent over the last five years making it easier to come to fruition. In addition, panel, inverter and storage system efficiencies have risen considerably so it's common now to see 25-year panel material and power production warranties.
Upgrading your interior and exterior lighting to LEDs offers a quick return on investment and leads to many benefits that add value to your business. LED lighting makes your facility brighter, safer, easier to maintain and more attractive. Starting with an on-site audit, Rocknoll Energy offers analysis and best fit to optimize your lighting and your ROI. Any rebates available will be applied for by Rocknoll and a check will come directly to you for your upgrade. Traditional fluorescent lighting in the office, production, warehouse areas of your business is a drain on your bottom line.
Whole home generators are a peace of mind in a blackout. Rocknoll Energy offers permanently installed Generac home backup generator that protects your home automatically. The generator runs on natural gas or liquid propane fuel, and sits outside just like a central air conditioning unit. A home backup generator delivers power directly to your home's electrical system, backing up your entire home or just the most essential items. You can also monitor the status of your Generator with Mobile Link Remote Monitoring that comes FREE with every Guardian Series Home Standby Generator from anywhere in the world using a smartphone, tablet, or PC.
Taking control of your energy cost may be the best thing you can do for your business. A solar array can decrease your electricity cost by as much as 100% if you have the space and capitol to invest. The cost is reduced with use of federal tax credits and depreciation for your investment. Rocknoll Energy can assess your situation and find best fit for your budget helping you achieve energy independence. Intangible benefits of producing electricity with renewable energy can come from customers and clients that value your stance on helping the environment.