Morgan Termite and Pest Control is Southern Utah's premier pest solution company specializing in residential and commercial pest management programs. We are proud to have been providing exceptional customer service here locally since 1962. Morgan Termite and Pest Control has helped tens of thousands of households and businesses in Southern Utah and Southern Nevada with pest control and termite solutions. Hurry and call now for our $55 for your First Three Months special. We want to thank both our long-term and new customers for allowing us to protect your family and property through professional pest management.

Morgan Termite & Pest Control was first started by H. Ray Morgan. Ray originally worked for Dewey Pest in California before moving to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1948. While running pest control services out of his car, he held a part time job as a chef, Ray gradually built up enough of a clientele to support opening office, and in 1955 the first Morgan Pest Control office opened serving the greater Las Vegas area. Ray Morgan's business grew very rapidly, due to his insistence on maintaining quality service for a reasonable price.

In Southern Utah there are two different types of termites, Subterranean and Drywood. Inspecting your home and property for proper identification is key in the control of these wood destroying pests. The treatment of these wood destroying pests are different for each type of termite and is important to perform the proper treatment. Subterranean termites live underground and build tunnels, referred to as mud tubes, to reach food sources. Subterranean termites swarm in the spring — groups of reproductive termites go off to start new colonies.

Bed bugs: Bed bugs are little reddish brown bugs that, as you can assume, live in mattresses. They feed on the blood of their hosts much like mosquitoes. Bed bugs are most often brought into homes through second hand furniture as well as extensive tourism and traveling. Some signs of infestations are finding the actual brown bugs, spots of fecal matter on the mattress, and bite marks on your person. They will hide in the mattress at night to feed on the hosts. Then in the light of day they will scatter to other furniture, such as headboards, box springs, and bed frames.

There are many different types of spiders in Southern Utah. However, the most common spiders seen in Southern Utah would be Black Widow Spiders, Wolf Spiders, and Camel Spiders (aka Wind Scorpions or Sun Spiders). The weather in Southern Utah is getting a little colder and the spiders are looking for a warm place to stay. Make sure your home is ready for spiders invading by setting up an appointment with Morgan Termite & Pest Control today at (435) 673-9172. Each spider lives differently and needs different things to survive but most spiders don't like the cold.

Morgan Pest Control has become a leading provider of St George Utah pest control services. We service Southern Utah, Nevada, and Arizona areas and have detailed our approach to residential service below. The Southern Utah area is considered a "high pressure" pest location. Because so many pests thrive in this environment year round, we adapt and tailor the service based upon our inspections and information we receive from each customer. With this information we can effectively control the pests we cover under our guarantee by properly customizing the service at each home.

German Cockroaches: These particular types of roaches are very difficult to get rid of and very problematic especially for kitchens. They have small wings but don't fly, and are smaller than most roaches. They are a light brown with two black stripes down its thorax. These roaches are found mostly in dark, damp, warm places, the only time you will see them out in daylight is if there is a larger infestation. Oriental Roaches: also known as water bugs they love cool dark damp areas to live. They travel through sewer pipes.

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