Main Street Solar is a local familyowned and operated solar energy business with a highly skilled staff who values integrity, craftsmanship, our clients and their future. Main Street Solarprovides our clients with quality service at a reasonable price. Using the best products and superior installation techniques our systems are built for a lifetime. We make your investment a lifelong reward. We provide high-quality installations with only the best products at a reasonable cost. Drawing from over 30 years of solar experience and a certified solar installation specialist, we provide a system that best matches your needs and budget for the greatest return on investment.
Get the most out of your swimming pool. Main Street Solar pool heating systems dramatically extends your swimming season, enabling healthy enjoyment and exercise in luxurious warm water from spring to fall. First-time pool owners are frequently surprised by how much traditional pool heaters cost to run. Because of this, many choose not to heat the pool at all, limiting its use to only the hottest days of summer. A solar pool heating system can cost less to install than a gas heater and it instantly adds value to your home and from then on, your heat is free from the sun.
Did you know your home's largest energy hog is the electric water heater especially if you don't have air conditioning or a swimming pool? For families of four or more, installing a solar water heater can save you up to $600 on your electric bill per year. That's enough to buy 200 pairs of slippers! A solar water heating system harnesses the sun's energy to heat water, so your water heater uses less electricity to do the same work. With the continually rising costs of energy and the possibility of ongoing shortages in the future, there is no better time to think about converting your home to solar energy as a power source than now.
A solar energy system provides a range of long-term benefits to you, your home and your energy costs! There are many good reasons to invest now and begin reaping the benefits. You will be able to generate your own electricity and become energy independent. Invest in a Main Street Solar quality solar electric system and generate your own electricity from sunlight - a clean, silent, renewable energy source with no emissions. Enjoy long-term solar life expectancy, with our solar PV panels' 25-year product warranty and an estimated lifespan of 30+ years.
Sounds like the premise for a sci-fi movie.
This helps bring solar right out front where everybody can see it.
Could it be true -- faster than the speed of light? Seems like that would break some laws of physics or something.