Moderra's original, vertically stacked or brick look mimics the on-bond style of split masonry block, without the costs and hassles of masonry. Available in both 8 inch and 4 inch heights, Moderra Masonry Veneer gives you a wide range of flexibility to make your project unique. Whether you want 8 inch units or a combination of 8 inch and 4 inch (see Moderra Ashlar in Components, Fascia, and Colors) Moderra Masonry Veneer has the solution for you.
Attention #postframe #building #contractors, if you are working on a project that is requiring a #masonry #exterior, make sure to take a look into #moderra #mortarless #masonry #veneers.
#Moderra #mortarless #mortarless #masonry #veneers has been utilized in 38 different states, installed in Canada, as well as Mexico. One of the biggest reasons that Moderra has found so much success across the country is because of its #Mortarless installation.
Two loads of #Moderra #mortarless #masonry #veneers headed to Utah for Steel-Concepts! We look forward to seeing photos of the finished project. #masonrymadeeasy
Rochester Concrete Products offers an array of #hardscapes products such as small block#retainingwalls , ReCon Wall Systems, Inc. (a "big" block #retainingwalls system), as well as pavers by Interlock Concrete Products.