In early September 2009, Pat Cammarata had a vision to start a new church in the Mid-County area. After much prayer and several meetings with other pastors and friends, Pat began to work on the vision and mission of a new church called Carpenter's Way. Word slowly got out about this new work and several people in the Mid-County area approached Pat about the possibility of helping start CW. After several individual meetings, those interested in serving met in a home during the month of November of that same year and the vision for Carpenter's Way became a reality.
Cookies, Cakes & Pie...oh my!!! Carpenters kids have been working hard on making yummy treats for you to take home with your Spud after church tomorrow. You don't want to miss out on the yummy-ness at Carpenter's Way tomorrow!
Today’s Bottom Line is something even adults struggle with. How do you see God working through you?
Does life sometimes feel like wandering in darkness from one stumble to the next? Get a light on those feet. #Bible.
There is no more clear and concise a method for listening to God than by reading the Bible. Psalm 119:105"Your word is a lamp to my feet ...
"@MidtownColumbia: Our faith is a deeply personal faith, but it isn't a private faith." Thankful for our people sharing a #BigGod Sunday
If you want to see God move, you need to be in community with the folks God is moving. #CommunityMatters and we have a great one.
"@TozerAW: "A scared world needs a fearless church." AW Tozer // Be the church. #CW #BeFearless
In #community we hear God. "Hearing it all laid out like that, they quieted it sank in, they started praising God."(Acts 11:18 MSG
Are you praying for our kiddos and leaders at camp this week? Prayer is our most effective tool. #GodMoves #CWKids
Distraction is busyness without priority or with the wrong priorities. Jesus is the priority you were designed for. Choose the one thing.