Advanced Plumbing Service's water leak location system can locate leaks under concrete slabs, in walls, swimming pools, and hot tubs. Our leak detection system muffles ambient noise like traffic, wind, air conditioners, and industrial machinery that interferes with leak location. It does it with a selection of 15 audio filter combinations, giving the widest range to block out sounds and zero in on the leak. This is crucial to a successful location. Using a ground sensor, we can locate leaks through hard surfaces like concrete, asphalt, and tile.

We specialize in repair or replacement for all of your plumbing needs. Depending on whether it's the faucet, toilet or any other item in the home, it can always be repaired or replaced and you will always be given several options to help make a decision that you are comfortable with.

Clogged drains are a big hassle. Dirt and sludge can build up in your plumbing system, creating a grotesque and impassable barrier keeping waste from leaving your home. Dirty, clogged pipes can suffocate your plumbing system and keep waste from getting out. Wouldn't it be great if your plumbing system was as clean as the day it was installed. Advanced Plumbing Service offers a 600 gallon, trailer mounted jetter to clean out sewer line of debris, such as but not limited to: roots, sand, dirt, and debris.

Advanced Plumbing Service only carries what we deem to the best water heaters in the industry, Bradford White for our tank water heaters and Rinnai for our tankless water heaters. Over the years we have tried many different brands of water heaters, but none have held up to the standards that we expect as Bradford White and Rinnai have. When Advanced Plumbing Service installs your water heater, you can rest assured that it will be installed per Code and done right the first time. Our trucks carry a 40-gallon Bradford White water heater on them at all times.

Plumbing emergencies can happen without warning. Without you even being aware of it, cracks and crevices can start to give way in your pipes. Once that happens, it's only a matter of time before a costly and messy repair is necessary. Fortunately, you can take steps to keep this from ever happening. Think of going to the doctor. By detecting a disease early enough, you have the chance to cure it before it causes serious damage to your body. With our system, you have the opportunity to detect a problem before it causes serious damage to your plumbing system.