Loucks started as a planning firm in 1976 when founder Tom Loucks welcomed the City of Independence as his first client. Nearly four decades later, we offer a strategic mix of consulting services while remaining true to our planning roots. Loucks' landscape architecture team consists of a wide variety of talented design professionals with a diverse portfolio that includes master planning, land use, parks and trails, landscape design, streetscapes and cemetery planning. Loucks has nearly 40 years of experience working with regulatory agencies.
When it comes to civil engineering services, our best work is buried. Literally. Once completed, most of our civil engineering efforts are invisible to the naked eye. This includes items such as grading, soil corrections, storm sewers, storm detention chambers, sanitary sewers, lift stations, force mains, watermains all of which are coordinated with power, gas, steam, cooling water and data utilities. This ground work helps support the visible site work of parking, drive aisles, sidewalks, streetscape, ponds, berms, landscaping, plazas and ADA accessible routes.
Loucks' landscape architecture team consists of a wide variety of talented design professionals with a diverse portfolio that includes master planning, land use, parks and trails, landscape design, streetscapes and cemetery planning. Our design team has been helping clients make the best use of their land for nearly 40 years, with attentive service and creative solutions at the core of our project approach. We have always placed a high priority on designing plans and facilities that are that are durable, maintainable aesthetically pleasing, and compatible with natural systems.