We operate offices throughout the southeastern United States including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. This allows us to offer cost-effective personnel and logistical support to our clients. We apply simple, effective strategies such as dig and haul or pump and treat, or complex methods such as phytoremediation and advanced oxidation - whatever the situation requires. Let us help you with remediation. From landfill location and assessment studies to operations, maintenance, and monitoring for solid waste facilities, we offer complete engineering, geologic, environmental, and construction management services.
Environmental Management Services, Inc. (EMS) is a recognized veteran-owned small business that provides a large variety of engineering, environmental consulting, and industry support services. We offer full service environmental, multi-discipline engineering, remediation services, and health and safety compliance primarily in the Southeastern United States. We offer a complete range of environmental, engineering and surveying services supported by a wide variety of equipment, capabilities, and expertise.
EMS is a recognized veteran-owned small business that provides a large variety of engineering, environmental consulting, and industry support services. EMS has successfully completed consulting and remediation projects throughout the southeastern United States. Our clients include commercial operations, manufacturers, developers, government agencies, attorneys, and other consulting firms. The professional, technical and non-technical staff that comprise EMS have diverse talents and unique experiences that are called upon during the course of our projects.
We maintain the necessary certifications and licenses within our team to perform a wide-range of engineering, surveying, and environmental services throughout the southeastern United States. Our headquarters is in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, but we have offices in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and south Arkansas. Our coverage enables us to provide cost-effective personnel and logistical support throughout the south-central United States and beyond thanks to our network of key partners and experience across the country.
As waste management consultants, we can assist your business with site selection, landfill engineering and design, landfill permitting, and construction of a solid waste management facility. We offer complete environmental and civil engineering services, geologic services, environmental consulting, and construction management services that will take your project to completion. Selecting a site that meets the right balance of size, zoning, accessibility, location, zoning, and environmental suitability is important to reduce future costs and problems.