Established in 1982, Popli Design Group (PDG) is a multi-disciplined Architectural, Engineering, Land Surveying, and Construction Services firm. We have grown from a one-person transportation engineering firm to a mid-sized, full-service architecture and engineering firm. PDG prides itself on maintaining a technical and administrative staff that is responsive to our clients' needs and schedules. Our work includes educational, healthcare, commercial, industrial, and government clients at the federal, state, and local levels.

What's new?

Happy International Women’s Day!

Posted on Mar 08, 2021  •  Facebook

Congratulations to Bryan Wegener on his promotion from Junior Engineer to Engineer in PDG’s Mechanical Group! Bryan has been with PDG since he received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Binghamton University in 2017. Since then, Bryan has advanced his capabilities and developed his knowledge of...

Posted on Feb 25, 2021  •  Facebook

PDG’s Team Leader for Energy Services, Chonghui Liu (CL), P.E., will be presenting the ASHRAE NY Monthly Dinner Meeting. His presentation covers two key industry focuses: sustainability and resilience from a mechanical/ energy engineer’s perspective. CL has over 10 years of experience in mechanical/ ...

Posted on Feb 19, 2021  •  Facebook

From all of us at PDG, we wish you and your family joy and happiness this holiday season and in the coming year. Stay safe and well. •#PDGteam #happyholidays #staysafe

Posted on Dec 23, 2020  •  Facebook

PDG employees donated 38 turkeys to the Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf this past weekend to help families in need during this holiday season. Thank you to the employees who donated their turkeys, and thank you to volunteers at the food shelf for all of the work they do for our community. #PDGteam #PenfieldFoodShe lf #givingback

Posted on Dec 21, 2020  •  Facebook

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