According to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all public entity facilities must provide access to services, programs, or activities for individuals with disabilities. In 2002, the US Court of Appeals held that sidewalks constitute a service, program, or activity of a city, and are therefore subject to the ADA program accessibility regulations (Barden v. City of Sacramento, 292 F.3d 1073 (9th Cir. 2002)). This means that every sidewalk environment is required to meet the accessibility guidelines to avoid discrimination and liability.
#ATIA14 Reminder- 1/30 RESNA Cognitive Technologies Standards Mtg & Workshop, 2:20 pm Boca III, S. Kringen #BDI
#ATIA14 Seanna Kringen will be holding RERC ACT Meetings at ATIA Caribe Royale Orlando FL on Thursday, 30 Jan 2014 #BDI. See everyone there!