We work directly with some of the best factories located around the world - the very factories that produce your favorite designer labels. By removing the middleman and streamlining our processes, we are able to offer you great quality design with an honest price tag. We want to fundamentally change the furniture industry in Singapore. We realized that well-made designer furniture was unjustifiably expensive due to the cumulative costs of middlemen, warehouses and shopfronts. So we remove everything that is not essential and extend the savings to you.

Thanks Loft_furniture for being so generous in your ideas. Elson and team has been of great help trying to choose the best to fit into our home.

Excellent service! Ellson was a very pleasant person to work with. Kept me updated on the delivery every step of the way! I loved the loft table &.

Awesome company to buy from. Despite a delay of more than 1 month from the schedule delivery, Ellson went beyond his obligation and offer to store the.

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