Interior spaces have a multitude of functions. Our home and work spaces represent who we are and how we want to live, entertain, and be seen. We find comfort, energy, synergy, and even calm, depending on the interior design. Nikki Levy Interiors is not only about pretty places, its about meaningful spaces. Our interiors are a clear reflection of who our clients are, how they view the world, and what will enhance their everyday life.

Nikki was born in South Africa where her interest in interior dcor was piqued at an early age. Her greatest joy as a child was to move furniture around her home and spray paint her mothers particularly unstylish succulents in the garden because they offended her aesthetic. The vivid and inspiring interiorscape of South Africa fed Nikki's passions, and she would eventually use the international flavors represented in her South African background to feed her design aesthetic. After moving the South Florida with her husband, 3 children, and a design philosophy that revolved around her life as a wife and mother; Nikki set up her business focusing on what she believed to be an indisputable fact: each client is unique.

The common thread that runs through our team, designs, and approach to our clients is commitment to designing spaces that reflect our love of what we do and that each space reflects our who our clients are, be it a home, condo building or commercial space. The individuality of each design honors who our clients are, how they live their life or the culture of their company. We curate fabrics, wallpapers, art, and all construction materials with this in mind. Beautiful aesthetics and practical application are the epitome of good design.

Just as we know each one of our clients is unique, we ensure that each of our interior designs is unique. We take pride in each home having a distinctive flavor, and rarely using the same piece of furniture or fabric twice. Our studio represents that same individualized style. With our volumes of fabrics, wallpapers, samples of wood, glass, and flooring at our disposal we carve out beautiful designs for our Commercial and Residential clients. Our team of designers are dedicated and passionate about each of their projects and we would love to have the opportunity to work with you.

What's new?

A designer, an architect and a client walked in to a bar.... I’m pretty sure there’s a punchline somewhere in there, so let me know if you have one. #barjokes #entrywayheaven #tellmeajoke

Posted on Mar 10, 2021  •  Facebook

A lovely brass accompaniment to a bar niche. A great way to make a small space, useful without being too cumbersome! #airyandeasy #barlife #wineanddesign

Posted on Mar 08, 2021  •  Facebook

I spy a gorgeous piece at the end of the hallways. Overlaid on mirror and molding. Because that’s how we do it! #artclass #strongwomeninar t #shesthecoolest

Posted on Mar 07, 2021  •  Facebook

It’s time for wine! #happysaturday #winedesign

Posted on Mar 06, 2021  •  Facebook

Table tennis seems to be very 2021! It must be people have been home and realize that fun and games needs to be front and center! That’s actually how it always should have been. #homestolivein #tabletennisisli fe #onlyifyouplay #otherwiseitsnot

Posted on Mar 05, 2021  •  Facebook

Do you have an interior design dilemma that needs quick advise? Tonight I will endeavor to answer as many questions…

Posted on Jan 22, 2020  •  Twitter

I have had literally about 7 people tell me that I look like and have the same mannerisms of the woman from fleabag! I just can’t see it😩😩😩

Posted on Jan 12, 2020  •  Twitter

Thrilled to announce the Nikki Levy Interiors new website has launched!

Posted on Dec 20, 2019  •  Twitter

We are so thrilled to be ending 2019 on such a high note!

Posted on Dec 09, 2019  •  Twitter

A stroll through this years installations. We had a great year, and besides are the gorgeous homes we created and t…

Posted on Dec 09, 2019  •  Twitter

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