Huff-Dewberry, Inc. is a boutique residential interior design firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. Fueled by the creative talents of William C. Huff, Jr. and Heather Zarrett Dewberry, the partnership fashions homes that strike a balance between timeless beauty and modern comfort. Breathing new life into traditional style, Huff-Dewberry creates stylish interiors that reflect the personalities and interests of their clients, while incorporating the duo's confident design perspective.
So spirited are the Jacksons that friends joke they know the holidays have arrived once armloads of greenery and twinkling lights festoon the symmetrically dormered windows, 11-foot French doors, and urn-capped gateposts of the family’s Atlanta home> THSkyBlueHeaven
Holiday decor happily plays the blues in an airy Atlanta home that bends tradition in light, bright style > 2THSkyBlueChrist mas
Thank you StyleBlueprint Atlanta for visiting 2017 Southeastern Designer Showhouse and Gardens!
Get to know the designers that are transforming this year's Southeastern Designer Showhouse & Gardens into a masterpiece! We have some seriously talented creatives setting up a spectacular project for everyone to enjoy! 2mxK4oK