Aloha - If you are looking for the best inspector on Hawaii island look no further! We are a 5-star rated home inspection company on both Yelp and Google. We have been inspecting in Hawaii Countyfor many years, and we are proud of our long list of happy clients. So if you need a truly thorough, detailed, and professional home inspection, contact us today! A Google or Yelp review has probably brought you to my company we have more 5-star ratings than any other inspection company. To tell you the truth, I have been called "the deal killer" and I am not on many of the lists that realtors provide you when they say you need a home inspection.
Here's why: I work for you-ONLY. I do not owe any loyalty to your realtor, or any realtor, for that matter. Most of the time the realtor will recommend you get a home inspection-which is good. They will hand you a list of home inspectors, usually 3 to choose from. On that list, you will find inspectors that pay $300 to $1000 a year to join certain associations mostly realtor associations. I do not pander or join those associations since my business comes from buyers like you. Taking those steps to buy a house making one of the biggest investments a person can make.
Pacific Inspection Group provides you with mold and moisture inspections performed by Certified Indoor Environmentalists and Certified Indoor Air Quality Specialists who have extensive backgrounds in building science, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and building envelope failure. Our firm provides property owners with expert solutions. Our firm works with independent accredited testing laboratories. Pacific Inspection Group does not perform remediation, therefore, there is no conflict of interest.
We here at Pacific Inspection Group believe in a truly unbiased home inspection. We are not the typical home inspection company that chases after and relies on real estate agents to refer us. Real estate agents rely on the deal going through to make their money - but we do not. We are there for you, and you are our primary concern. As such, we provide truly unbiased, thorough, and professional home inspections to our clients. Our home inspections are second to none. We have been inspection homes here in Hawaii for longer than most other home inspectors, and that has helped us to develop skills, methods, and knowledge that can't be taught in a book or online courses.
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that was mined and used in homes and various home products for many years. It was found that asbestos is a cancer-causing agent, and very dangerous. Many people live with asbestos for many years and never realize it. It can be in plaster, insulation, floor tiles, wall boards, and many other household products. Contact us here at Pacific Inspection Group to schedule a professional asbestos inspection to make sure that your new home - or current home - is asbestos free and safe for your family.
As a first-time homebuyer, financing can be a major concern. Here are a few tips that can help you get started.
How can a first-time homebuyer find a home? Who can help with the search? Read about finding a home as a first-time homebuyer.