Whether you are thinking about installing a sump pump in the basement of your Allentown home or you need an immediate water heater replacement, we can assist you. As a leading provider of plumbing, water treatment and remodeling services, we take pride in the ability of our team to get the job done. And when we say done, we mean done on time, within budget, and with quality in mind. When you call Tim Beil Plumbing, you can be confident in the results. Tim Beil Plumbing provides residential and commercial plumbing, water treatment, and remodeling services in Allentown, PA and the surrounding areas.

Tim Beil Plumbing is your local leader for residential and commercial plumbing services in Allentown and Bethlehem, PA. We specialize in water treatment, emergency plumbing, and remodeling. Our professional plumbing services ensure that your system is properly serviced and repaired. We utilize the most well respected name brands within the industry to complete repairs, replacements and installations. We work to help customers solve problems both small and large from water heaters, well pumps, garbage disposals and toilets to large scale kitchen plumbing and bathroom remodels.

As much as we would love to tell you that your piping system will last indefinitely, the fact of the matter is that this simply is not the case. There are a whole lot of different factors which may result in the need for you to repipe your home. The age of your pipes, the material from which they are constructed, the design of your piping system, and the quality of the initial installation will all inform the situation. One thing is certain, though; any repiping services that you may need must be completed by a skilled, trained professional.

In truth, there are a number of different problems that you may encounter when you own a home. Plumbing problems in particular can lead to serious headaches, as you depend on your plumbing system for so many different reasons throughout the day, every day. Even within this realm, there is one issue that strikes a nerve with homeowners faster than any other: the development of a slab leak. If you have any reason at all to believe that you may have a slab leak, just let us know. Not only can the professional plumbers at Tim Beil Plumbing determine if you are, in fact, dealing with a slab leak for certain, but we can also detect the precise location of that slab leak and resolve it entirely with minimal disruption to your comfort and convenience.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with our plumbers today if you need a well pump or any other type of water pump for your home. It's incredibly important that your home be well equipped with what it needs for adequate water pressure, and a professionally installed and serviced water pump can do just that. Don't hesitate to get in touch with our experienced and certified plumbers for expert water pump services. Tim Beil Plumbing provides water pump services in Allentown, PA and the surrounding areas.

Modern plumbing is truly one of the greatest luxuries that we enjoy in this day and age. Showering in the morning, washing off the veggies for dinner, doing the laundry and running the dishwasher are all made possible and convenient thanks to the many benefits of our plumbing systems. If you want to ensure that your plumbing system operates as effectively and reliably as possible, it is necessary that you schedule your plumbing services with a trained, professional plumber. A plumbing system is far too complex to put at risk with amateur or DIY service attempts.

Whether you opt for an electric water heater for your home or you find that your existing gas water heater needs to be routinely maintained, we can make sure that you have exactly what you need. We offer a number of different water heaters throughout the area: electric, gas, power vent, short, tall, hybrid, tankless, and heat pump models. We will ensure that your water heater is appropriately sized and that it's perfectly integrated into your home's plumbing. We not only install and replace water heaters, we can also make sure that your existing system is taken care of, whether you require repair or maintenance.

Winter can be a thoroughly enjoyable time of the year. Surely it is far more enjoyable thanks to our heating and plumbing systems, allowing us to come home to a warm environment and to take a hot shower whenever the mood may strike us. Winter can present unique plumbing issues in these areas where temperatures can drop to extremely low levels, though. Frozen pipes are a very real concern in Pennsylvania, and an occurrence which can lead to serious problems in your home and on your property. There are steps that you can take in order to reduce the risk of encountering frozen pipes, of course.

The drains in your home provide a vital function. It is your drainage system, after all, that allows you to dispose of wastewater from your home in a clean, effective manner. Like any other part of your plumbing system, of course, it is possible that you will encounter operational problems with your drains from time to time. When you do, know that Tim Beil Plumbing is here to help. Our fine plumbers can handle any drain repair that you may need. Give us a ring today with any questions that you may have.

Are you considering a bathroom remodeling? Do you want to make sure that you wind up with a great bathroom that will serve your family well for years to come? We can make it happen. As your leading plumbing specialist, we also offer comprehensive bathroom remodeling services. That means that we take care of every last detail, from demolition to the final coat of paint. We work with homes and budgets of all sizes. Don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly staff members today to learn more about our remodeling services.

Do you want to protect your home from the threat of water damage? Whether it is the heavy rains of the spring season, or snowmelt resulting from an unseasonably warm day towards the end of winter, water can cause a lot of serious problems for your property. The good news is that we install and service quality sump pumps. If you want to ensure that no flooding occurs in the lowest levels of your home, you need a system in place to pump that water out when it infiltrates such areas. A sump pump is just the solution to such potential problems.

At Tim Beil Plumbing, we know how much homeowners depend upon their residential plumbing systems. You use your plumbing system each and every day, after all, and for a number of different purposes. It is your plumbing system which allows you to bathe conveniently, to do the dishes after dinner, and to wash your clothing quickly and with minimal effort. All of that said, it is understandably upsetting to find that your plumbing system is compromised in any way. The pipes that make up your plumbing system are among its most important components, and any issues with your pipes must be dealt with promptly.

Are you having hard water issues in your home? Do you want to make sure that your water softener provides you with a comprehensive solution? We can make certain that you have what you need thanks to our water softener services. Since 1967, Tim Beil Plumbing has been family-owned, and we continue to strive every day to exceed the expectations of our customers. Call our certified and trained plumbers today for solutions to your home's troubles with hard water. Tim Beil Plumbing provides water softener services in Allentown, PA and the surrounding areas.

Are you struggling with drains that simply do not work? Are you frustrated by having to break out the plunger on a regular basis? Do you want to make sure that your drain system functions properly for years to come? When it comes to plumbing maintenance, look no further than Tim Beil Plumbing. We can make sure that your drains are cleaned thoroughly and safely to ensure that your wastewater is disposed of properly at all times. There is no reason to damage your drains with harsh chemical cleaners.

If you enjoy flushing your toilet and draining your tub in order to dispose of waste and wastewater in a manageable, convenient, and hygienic manner, then you have your drain and sewer system to thank. Needless to say, you want your drain and sewer system to function precisely as it ought to, each and every time you need it. In order to ensure that this is the case, simply schedule your drain and sewer services with a member of our team. In doing so, you ensure that your drains and sewer will be there for you when you need them most.

You don't need us to tell you just how important your plumbing system is to your daily life. You depend upon your plumbing system for washing the dishes, doing the laundry, showering, brushing your teeth, and other daily tasks. If you run into problems with your plumbing system, you need to schedule your plumbing repair as soon as you possibly can. Doing so will help to reduce the risk of serious damage to your plumbing system. Needless to say, it is necessary that your plumbing repair services be completed by skilled, trained professionals.

The kitchen is often the central hub of a home. Think of all that occurs within those walls. You cook dinner for your family and clean up after meals; you may help your children with their homework, or recount the events of the day over dessert. However it is that you use your kitchen, one thing is certain: you must know that your kitchen plumbing is in top working condition. The only way that you can be sure of this is to schedule kitchen plumbing services with a skilled, trained professional. You'll find the plumbers you need just a phone call away at Tim Beil Plumbing.

Using a garbage disposal is one of the best ways in which to ensure that your kitchen is as convenient as possible. If you hope for your garbage disposal to function as effectively and reliably as possible, of course, you must schedule your garbage disposal services with a skilled, qualified professional. The good news is that you are already looking in the right place for doing so. The plumbers at Tim Beil Plumbing are happy to handle your garbage disposal installation, repair, and replacement services with the skill and expertise that such jobs require.

As anyone who has owned a home for any amount of time knows, plumbing problems do not necessarily wait for a convenient time to strike. If you encounter any problems at all with your plumbing system, you just need one number on hand; ours. No matter what may go wrong with your plumbing system, no matter what time of the day or week, you can count on the emergency service Tim Beil Plumbing provides. If you have a problem with your plumbing system, day or night, just give a member of our team a call today.

Water leaks are simply a fact of life when you own a home. There is no way in which any plumbing system can truly be completely leak-free. That is why it is helpful to have professional plumbers you can count on to pinpoint the exact location of leaks in your home in a timely manner. We may not be able to completely eliminate the risk of leaks in your home, but we can find them before serious damage is done. Some leaks are more complex than others and may require additional analyzing to identify the cause.

When was the last time that you had your sewer cleaned? Whether you're looking to extend the longevity of your sewer line with routine sewer cleaning or you're concerned about the status of your sewer and want to have it checked out first, we can take care of your needs. We specialize in sewer cleaning-it's something that we do particularly well, and we can make sure that your sewer line is taken care of. As the primary means of wastewater disposal out of the home and into your septic tank or municipal waste management system, your sewer line is incredibly important to daily tasks around the home.

Owning commercial property means that you have countless responsibilities on your plate. Between handling all of your business affairs, you likely have precious little time to worry about your commercial plumbing. Worry about it you should, though, considering the fact that your clients, tenants, employees, and all other visitors to your commercial space depend upon your commercial plumbing system so much throughout the day. Don't make a lousy impression on such important individuals. Schedule your commercial plumbing services with the professional commercial plumbers on the Tim Beil Plumbing team.

Whether your water heater makes a horrible sound during operation, your hot water-related energy bills are sky-high or you find that your water heater fails to turn on at all when you need hot water, we can assist you. Our water heater repair service is comprehensive and excellent. We spare no effort at making sure that our clients have everything they need for bountiful and efficiently produced hot water, whether we're installing new systems or providing solutions. No job is too large or small for our crew, and we're available 24/7 to undertake any issues that you're having.

Have you ever suddenly found foul-smelling, tepid water gushing up from one or more of your drains? That's called "backflow" and it's a pretty serious problem that needs to be dealt with. Each time backflow occurs, it drastically lowers the sanitary conditions of your home's plumbing. That puts you and your family at risk. Fortunately, there's an easy way to do it. Installing a backflow prevention device will protect your home against all backflow. If you need a backflow prevention device installed, maintained, repaired, or replaced, call Tim Beil Plumbing today.

The bathroom is the area of the home that many people think of first when considering plumbing. This is the room where you shower, brush your teeth, use the toilet, and get ready for the day or for bed. All of your bathroom plumbing services should be completed by skilled, trained professionals. You cannot afford to take any chances when it comes to the condition or integrity of your bathroom plumbing system or any of its components. Make the right choice, and schedule your bathroom plumbing installation, replacement, and repair services with Tim Beil Plumbing.

We wouldn't use anyone else. They do excellent work and are extremely reliable. Highly recommended.

Very friendly and professional! I highly recommend this family owned business. They do great quality work.

Thank you so much for sending Tom and his guy to fix our clogged trap. So professional. They were so great! All was fixed in no time. I would recommend you guys for anyone needing plumbing work! Thank you so much for your fast, courteous service.

What's new?

#kineticowater #madeinUSA #BetterWaterForA BetterLife#watersoftener

Posted on Mar 02, 2021  •  Facebook

#softwater #worldsmosteffic ient #worldsmosteffic ientwatersoften er #lesssalt #lesswater #lessworry #homesweethome #home #homelife #homelifestyle #nonelectric #nonelectriclife #betterwaterfora betterlife #save #savemoney

Posted on Feb 26, 2021  •  Facebook

Meet Rusty. The old leaking water heater. #hotwater #testyourwater #old #waterheater #snow #snowday #leak #leaking #slippery #slipperyroads #timbeilplumbing #staysafe

Posted on Feb 22, 2021  •  Facebook

More snow. Be Safe - Stay Home! Whatever you wanted to do today can wait till tomorrow.

Posted on Feb 18, 2021  •  Facebook

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