In 2005, Brandon Holloway established Holloway Construction, Inc., a General Engineering and Building Contractor with headquarters in Hanford, CA. Holloway Construction, Inc. delivers quality, leadership, responsiveness, and exceptional customer service with every project. From inception, the core values of HCI (Holloway Construction, Inc.) are to provide outstanding craftsmanship, engineering, integrity, and honesty to each project where the client and HCI can be proud. In order to deliver these values HCI relies on its extensive background in the construction industry.
NAS Lemoore Airfield Ripping Project Complete! #hollowayconstru ctioninc
Thank you Paul Santos @bobcat.central for exceeding our expectations! #hollowayconstru ctioninc #HereWeGrowAgain #bobcatequipment
Drywall patched and floors leveled. This orthodontics office is making progress and will be done before you know it!
Resinous Flooring Project #hollowayconstru ctioninc #travisairforceb ase
Another completed project for the Armona Community Service District!