Jack Whiting founded Western Rock Products in 1967. The company initially supplied asphalt, paving, and construction services in Cedar City, Utah, and later successfully expanded into the St. George, Utah market and added ready-mixed concrete operations. Western Rock Products provides rock products, ready-mixed concrete, asphalt, paving and construction services along the I-15 corridor from Mesquite to Beaver and in Southeastern Utah, Kanab, and Page, Arizona. We specialize in highway and site development work.
Asphalt is one of the most sustainable construction materials, and whether you're paving your driveway or an airport runway, Western Rock Products can supply you with the materials you need to complete a quality paving project. Our asphalt mix designs meet specifications for federal, state and government projects, including the Utah Department of Transportation and Federal Airport Authority. Many of our asphalt plants have earned the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Diamond Achievement Award and several of our projects have won quality awards and performance bonuses from national organizations and customers.
We service the St. George, Utah metro area with ready-mixed concrete produced at plants certified by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA). State-of-the-art dispatch and communication systems are used to help ensure the timeliness of deliveries. Our expert staff of drivers, salespeople, operators, and quality control professionals are a resource available to help customers succeed. Western Rock Products is experienced in specialty concrete design, offering customizable mixes including fiber reinforced concrete, high-content fly-ash mixes, self-consolidating concrete and pervious concrete pavement.
It's Heart Health month! Did you know more than 395,000 people suffer from sudden cardiac arrest each year? When provided immediately, CPR increases a victim's chance of survival. Check out this video on how to give CPR in two steps. You can save a life! https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=M4ACYp75 mjU