For overfour decades we've builtsome of the most distinctive and beautiful homes on Lake Geneva, Delavan, Whitewater, Lauderdale Lakes, Elkhorn and surrounding Walworth County, Wisconsin. Whilebuilding beautiful homes is what we do everyday, we keep in mindthat for each one of our homeowners, theirs is the only new home construction project that matters. Becausewe are not just building homes but also building relationships with our clientsand community through our commitment to that original vision.

What's new?

Make sure to check us out in the virtual parade of homes!https:// www.lakelandba.c om/ parade-of-homes? fbclid=IwAR1BfK rZl9soQ3MFVa-Ek Apx9EDLZl2D722c hiXtG8HxfEworIb MtVPorLY

Posted on Nov 27, 2020  •  Facebook

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to develop, our team at Thelen Total Construction would like to express our concern for all those who have been affected. Our clients, employees, subcontractors, vendors and partners are our top priority, and we are doing everything we can to ensure the health and safety of each. We are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations during this unprecedented time. We will be as flexible and adapting as possible as we continue to monitor this crisis. • We

Posted on Apr 20, 2020  •  Facebook

Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out the Lakeland Builders Association Home Improvement Expo! Feb 22-23 from 10am-4pm at Evergreen Country Club in Elkhorn.

Posted on Feb 19, 2020  •  Facebook

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