Plumbing and Heating Contracting new construction, remodeling and repair service, oil/gas hydronic and radiant heating systems, gas piping, gas appliances, standard and tank-less gas water heaters, Water filtration and purification systems, Well pumps and sump pumps installation, Sewer ejector pumps and tanks. We take great pride in our trade and do nothing less than quality work at a fair and competitive price. As an accredited business and member of the Better Business Bureau with over 35 years of experience in the plumbing and heating industry we are a company that can be trusted to handle all of your plumbing and heating needs and do the job right, Guaranteed.
Started in the plumbing and heating industry in 1978 and established our company in 1986 as a family owned business and is a member of the better business bureau as an accredited business, as the technology changed in the industry we grew with it specializing in the new high efficiency condensing gas boilers and energy star equipment. We also specialize in oil or gas radiant heating systems. We do all types of residential and commercial plumbing and heating from multi-million dollar projects to subsidized housing no job is to small!
Defosses Plumbing and Heating offers multiple choices for Home Water Heating Products from such companies as Rinnai, Bradford White, Vaughn, Burnham and more. Water heating is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have many uses. Domestically, water is traditionally heated in vessels known as water heaters, hot water heaters, hot water tanks, boilers, heat exchangers, calorifiers, or geysers depending on whether they are heating potable or non-potable water, in domestic or industrial use, their energy source, and in which part of the world they are found.
Defosses Plumbing & Heating LLC is fully licensed by the state of New Hampshire to do all types of residential and commercial gas piping and gas applicance installations. We design all our gas piping and manifolds for a building to meet or exceed the National Fuel Gas Code NFPA54 so the job is done right and the occupants are safe. In todays world with the new high efficiency energy star equipment with electronic and computerize controls gas pipe sizing is very crucial to maintain a SAFE and efficient runnig applicance to avoid any malfunctions or bodily injuries.
When it comes to bathroom remodeling, there are many homeowners who decide to have their old bathroom toilet replaced with a new one. In fact, there are many homeowners who choose to do more than just replace their toilet. If you are planning on remodeling the rest of your bathroom, you will want to make sure that you pick a toilet that will compliment the rest of your soon to be newly remodeled bathroom. Having everything match, from the toilet to the floor tiles, is one of the best ways to create an attractive looking bathroom.
Check back soon for updated articles and helpful hints on all kinds of plumbing and heating topics. Our services include: Water heaters(gas, gas tank less, oil & electric) kitchen and bathroom faucets bath tubs and tub valves showers and shower valves.
Having just added the information about bathroom remodeling to our website, I stumbled on this article this morning. I though it was more than appropriate and wanted to share it. Thanks so much to our friends over at The Plumbing.