This is a blog for all things construction. Whether you run your own company or like to DIY, we have some great tips for you. Our favorite topics of conversation are: home renovation, construction & industry news and other neat facts. Thanks for coming by!
Radon is considered a radioactive gas that is formed due to the natural decay of uranium in rock and soil. Ths gas can seep into your homes through the cracks in the walls and floors. Radon concentrations in indoor air could become dangerous to the health and well-being of your loved ones when there isn't proper ventilation in the building. Since the gas is colorless and odorless, it is easy to ignore the condition. Regular exposure to radon can result in lung cancers among non-smokers. The gas is responsible for more than 21,000 deaths due to lung cancer in the United States each year.
Choosing the right HVAC & plumbing contractor is important because they determine the quality of work you get. You should not make the mistake of just choosing any because you might end up regretting it when it is too late. Many people have been forced to spend more because they had to get a new contractor to repeat the same project, or to deal with the damages as a result. This is why it is a good idea to put in time and effort when choosing an HVAC contractor. Below are some tips that will go a long way.
The best thing about loft conversions is that they are much cheaper than adding an extra room or moving to a bigger house. Finding the best loft conversion specialists on the market is a matter of knowing your priorities and of doing your research the proper way. Here are a few tips to help you understand how to tackle this issue to improve your odds of finding the best company to help you with your loft conversion project. To start with, you must consider all types of loft conversions available and choose the one that suits best your needs and the specific configuration of your attic space.