It is difficult to develop a guarantee or warranty for a log or timber frame home. All of the ones we know about are just from third party warranty companies that are filled with legalese and loopholes. We can provide one of them just as easily as any other company. But, we want to give more than that to our customers. We at Hearthstone just don't feel like those normal warranties do much for the client. In fact, a conventional warranty might actually detract from the value because they can provide legal cover behind which a manufacturer might hide.
Hearthstone is a company unlike any other. We are dedicated to, and never cease to be amazed by the timberwright. Somewhere between iron worker and cabinet maker, the fruits of his labor still grace the land and sea - with life spans measured in centuries: bridges, churches, barns, log homes, timber frame homes, taverns, courthouses, inns, hotels, sailing vessels, and - with good fortune and hard work - your legacy to your family for generations to come.
If you want a high quality log or timber frame structure of ANY style, Hearthstone is the one place in the world to get anything you can imagine. We have the hand hewn, dovetailed log home. We have the timber frame home. If you had to pick just one word to describe the fullscribe style log home, stunning might be the right one. Hearthstone has always featured highly crafted homes with a rich heritage, jaw-dropping architectural effect, and hundreds of years of history backing up the joinery, the details, and the construction techniques.
Commercial projects of every imaginable style, size, and use. Just a short list: Retail Malls, winery headquarters, hotels, restaurants, office space, auto dealerships, clubhouses, lodges, bed and breakfasts, banks, boat houses, barns, recreation buildings, guest cottages, and cabins both elegant and rustic. Nothing can create atmosphere and convey the strength of character of your business like a Hearthstone timber frame or log structure. At Hearthstone, the creation of extraordinary spaces extends beyond residential homes.
Whether recreating the look and feel of a Historic 200 year old log structure, or enveloping a more Modern home with the warmth of timber, HearthStone Log Homes can not only meet your needs but exceed your expectations. We have decades of Leadership In All Things Timber. Hearthstone building systems offer surprisingly flexible interior design: from spirited eclectic, to modern, to historic. We also offer on site construction services world wide and turn-key services in many areas. Hearthstone is a company unlike any other.
Natural sunlight is our only filter.
We’re proud to have been a part of the timbers and remodel for @thegreenbriertn.
Hand-hewn homes are the roots of our culture here.
This Hybrid Home is exceptional! Click the link below to see the exterior.
We love taking a look back at past deliveries. #details
The comfort of a log home’s back porch is unmatched.
Check out our first blog of 2021 recapping our galleries last year. Click the link below to read.…