TransTech Energy is a leading provider of custom engineered and fabricated solutions for liquids processing, storage and handling across a broad range of industries including Chemical, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Food & Beverage, Textile, Paint, Water/Wastewater Treatment, and others. From ASME process and storage vessels to heat exchangers, reactors, columns and towers, all our custom fabricated products are built to nationally recognized standards including ASME, API, TEMA, and UL- and available in a variety of materials including Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Duplex and Nickel alloy.

TransTech Energy is a leading provider of natural gas production and processing equipment; and natural gas liquids storage & handling solutions across all stages of oil and gas production, processing and distribution. Our expert in-house design, engineering, fabrication and construction teams deliver a complete array of engineering projects to support all aspects of NGL & LPG storage and handling operations from wellhead to burner tip. From transport loading/unloading, pumping, and metering solutions to complete NGL or LPG truck, rail or marine terminal or bulk storage plant installation, our experienced team of engineering specialists can offer you a broad range of options from fast-ship standard solutions to fully custom engineered and constructed projects delivered to your exact specifications.

We pride ourselves on offering the broadest range of industrial energy solutions and services in our industry. Whether you are looking for a propane storage tank, a turnkey LPG or SNG plant installation, or a consultation and appraisal on a plant dismantle, TransTech Energy can assist you. We have some on the most knowledgeable engineers and crews available. Our tenure and industry experience are unmatched and we stand behind our products and services with some of the most respected guarantees in our industry.

What's new?

TransTech is a leading provider of gaseous fuel system infrastructure solutions for mission-critica l backup power systems associated with hyperscale data centers and remote communication infrastructure.

Posted on Mar 10, 2021  •  Facebook

Vertical scrubber vessel exiting our McGregor blast and coating facility. Will soon be in route to a carbon capture project in west TX.

Posted on Mar 03, 2021  •  Facebook

TransTech is providing EPC and fabrication services for this NGL rail trans-loading terminal on the US Gulf Coast. The facility will accept C3+ mixed hydrocarbons via five (5) rail spots and store product in five (5) mounded 120,000-gallon tanks. The product will be exported through a metering skid...

Posted on Feb 24, 2021  •  Facebook

Suction Drum headed to an LNG Export terminal with all associated ladders and platforms. Fully engineered, pre-fit, insulated, and ready to set on site.#transtechenergy #bendel #infrastructure #LNG #ASME #pressurevessel s #downstream #midstream #oilandgas #oilandgasindust ry #energystrong #...

Posted on Feb 17, 2021  •  Facebook

80' tall replacement Cyclopentane tower leaving our Texas facility headed to a petrochemical manufacturer in the Gulf Coast. TransTech and Bendel completed this project turnkey so it can be set and installed upon arrival to site.#transtechenergy #bendel #infrastructure #ASME #pressurevessels #...

Posted on Feb 10, 2021  •  Facebook

High-pressure BOG Pulsation Dampener with the finishing touches on insulation and tied down ready for shipment to a…

Posted on Feb 03, 2021  •  Twitter

Another LNG Process vessel leaving our facility in McGregor, TX, and headed to the Louisiana Gulf. This 11’ Diamete…

Posted on Jan 27, 2021  •  Twitter

Custom engineered and fabricated equipment for a LPG/Propane fueled power generation project in the Caribbean. Pict…

Posted on Jan 19, 2021  •  Twitter

Our 35,000 square foot blast and coatings facility is built to handle vessels and pipe up to 200’ long, and has the…

Posted on Jan 14, 2021  •  Twitter

TransTech’s McGregor, TX fabrication facility is uniquely designed to accommodate large custom fabrication projects…

Posted on Jan 07, 2021  •  Twitter