Our emergency response teams can restore virtually every kind of structure, Walker & Frick Construction teams work quickly and efficiently, using leading-edge technology to ensure that our customers get the best service and the lowest overall cost. Whether you are a property manager, facilities manager, insurance company, homebuilder or property owner we can provide you with full service property restoration. Our belief is that a restoration company should provide its customers with superior quality and service, while maintaining the industry's highest standards.
The Walker & Frick Construction Company team has been helping clients restore their properties after disasters of all kinds. We understand our customers' need for fast, reliable service in order to get back to everyday life. Unscheduled remodeling is hard to manage if the restorers in charge of the project don't understand the situation. We pride ourselves on employing some of the finest restorers in your area-people who take care of our customers like they are part of their own families. Our goal is to help our customers make informed decisions that they are comfortable with.
Walker & Frick Construction Company offers additional specialty services to our customers. These services include: Thermal infrared imaging, emergency power distribution, and wireless remote monitoring systems. The Walker & Frick Construction Company team maintains the most up-to-date knowledge in these specialty services, and uses only the most state-of-the art equipment to service our customers. Walker & Frick Construction Company provides emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Having Luna come visit today definitely brought some smiles and laughter to the office!
We hope you had a wonderful and safe start to your New Year!
With the cooler weather falling upon us, why not build yourself a cozy little outdoor firepit? Blankets, Smores, Hot Apple Cider - Yes Please!!
Hurricane Watch and Preparedness. Right now, we have five tropical cyclones in the Atlantic with Sally approaching the Gulf Coast. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you are prepared. 1. Check your homeowners’ or renters Insurance. See what is covered and any limitations there may be on...
Possible severe storms throughout the Richmond area again tonight!! Share with us photos of your surrounding area or any damage you may have incurred from the heavy rains.