Creative Construction cabinet shop specializes in fine custom cabinetry for kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, offices, any room of your home or business. Furniture restoration is also provide through their sister company Tilman's Furniture. The company grew out of one man's passion and skill for woodworking. In 1993, master carpenter, Jeffrey Cherry decided to take the trade skills he learned from his father and turn it into a successful business. True quality comes from paying attention to the small details.

Creative Construction cabinet shop is committed to quality and focusing on the details of your project. Whether you are building a new home or remodeling an existing one we can help you think through all of the options such as the quality of materials, wood grain finishes, and hardware. We have extensive experience working with different types of woods ranging from domestic, exotic, to reclaimed. Visit Tilman's Facebook Page for examples of how we can turn your old furniture into something new again.

What's new?

more pictures on our websitehttp:// www.creativecons

Posted on Mar 10, 2021  •  Facebook

FOR SALE: 2 new beautiful live edge cherry tables. Handmade locally. Asking $2200 each OBO. Please contact us if interested.

Posted on Jul 27, 2020  •  Facebook

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