Navac Builders calls upon an extensive background in hospitality expertise, paired with a distinctive network of robust architectural and engineering resources, to deliver unmatched product. Within our matrix of professional resources we find our competitive edge, a holistic construction approach that is centered on delivering client needs, and routed in a management style that emphasizes time and cost effectiveness. Navac Builders provides construction planning, job coordination, and project management; from space acquisition and budgeting to build and closeout, we offer a integrated process.
Some millwork and doors getting installed on our Diagnostic and treatment center in Hollis Queens. Stay tuned for the finished product!#construction #constructionman agement #build #plan #contractorsofin stagram #medical #diagnostics #queens #nyc
A little lift into the Holiday season from the Navac Team. A Happy and Healthy holidays to you all! Here's to 2021!
Can't wait to see this place operational!Ple ase be sure to check out one of our recently completed projects Lightbridge Academy on west 57th street. A 12,000 SQF center for the Industry leaders in childcare and youth education. @lightbridgeaca demy #construction #generalcontract or #constructionman ...
Stout Bryant Park Coming Soon 👀. Stay tuned for the official opening 🍺. #restaurant #design #plan #build #generalcontract or #constructionman agement #navacbuilders #nyc #stout