GREENHOUSE is a licensed home improvement company that practices green building strategies and uses building science. We specialize in Home Improvement, Energy Efficiency/Building Performance and Professional Handyman Services. GREENHOUSE has developed a holistic approach to home improvement and home performance contracting which not only treats the home as a system but also considers the effects of construction in the environment. Our experience in a wide range of home improvement technologies and contracting allows us to identify the best and most cost effective approach for customers to get the most out of their home improvement dollar.
Green remodeling starts by thinking creatively how to reduce waste in the construction process. Design and analyze the project so that you can reuse as much as possible of the structure, finishes, furnishings and try to recycle other useful materials. We can help with all home improvement / home remodeling projects that will help the functionality and overall development of your home. Whether it is a bathroom remodeling or a whole house renovations, we use "Green" building techniques, that will surely enhance the aesthetics of your house at the same time help our mother earth.
Construction industry is one of the leading contributor's to to the depletion of our natural resources. As a builder and a concerned citizen we have the responsibility to end this problem and an opportunity to contribute in preserving our natural resources. These are some of the most common Handyman projects that customers call us to do. Take some time to think and prioritize your "TO DO LIST" and call GREENHOUSE to help you with your projects. Green House is a modern and cost-effective contracting company that combined home improvements, professional handyman and energy efficient retrofit services serving Los Angeles, Bel Air, Malibu and Santa Monica.
Green Construction Materials that you can consider using in your next green home remodeling project: Bamboo flooring, Cork flooring, Wool carpets, Plant fiber carpet, Cotton batt insulation, Straw board, Sunflower seed board, Poplar OSB.
It pays off on average $34,000 to upgrade your California home and sell it with Green labeled ratings!
One of the best ways it save energy and money is by adding more insulation. Especially here in Southern California, whether you are next to the beach and need to keep warm during the colder nights or trying to keep the heat out. This is the best technique with the most for your money. If you need...
Eco-friendly remodeling means improving the design , construction and landscaping practices. Improving these aspects will make homes that we remodel today last longer, cost less to live in and not harmful for the owner’s health. Besides these eco-friendly remodeling means protecting our environment...
working on a bathroom green remodeling