Window washing and making your home beautiful in and out is something we care about. Our goal is providing you with outstanding services whether it be through cleaning windows, solar panels, gutters, or even dusting those hard to reach places. We also offer many services to help with your garden and yard needs. All of these for an affordable price. Our task is to administer unprecedented customer service and provide outstanding services. Our focus is on ensuring our customers remain happy before and after we've finished the job.
Give yourself a break and let us take care of your yard and garden. Spring is here and with all the weeds creeping up it is time for yard maintenance! If you want to give a fresh look with some landscape design or turn your yard and garden into more of the beautiful Colorado scenery with xeriscaping your yard can become a bit of a project to maintain. Not to mention the rest of the rest of the Spring Cleaning and other projects needing to be completed. Allow us to assist you with an array of Spring garden and landscaping services to keep your yard and gardens looking clean and ready for the summer to come.
Most local Window Cleaning companies charge up to $75 per side of home/building for pressure washing. That easily adds up to $300 for a single story square ranch style home. Give us a call with our power washing prices starting at $50 per side.
Our window cleaning service consist of a 5 star service process that will brighten your view and ensure you are 100% satisfied. The window pane is inspected to identify the type of glass and tint (if any) to ensure no damage is done. A clean mop with safe and environmentally friendly detergent is used to wash the window of dirt. At the end of our work, we will walk through with you to inspect each window making sure that you are 100% satisfied.
Some more Christmas Light jobs
Our last Christmas Light Job this year
Stephanie putting lights up on Christmas Trees
GUTTERS! TIS The Season. well almost, close enough, and coming, as always, a bit too quickly -I'd say. But I do love the Fall, fresh crisp air - so energizing and reinvigorating. Whilst, you may think there is not much we at A Guy & Gal Home Services could do during this time, we know there is.
We just started using the nextdoor app
How do Gutters Work via @GuyCleaning
Just setting up my Twitter. #myfirstTweet