HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. When refrigeration is added then the acronym becomes HVACR. It is the technology that keeps an indoors environment comfortable for those living or working in it, all year round. By environment we do not mean just the temperature. We are also talking about the quality of the air that people breathe inside the various buildings. By ventilating the air we replenish it inside the area where our system is installed by new clean air. This process also removes the odors, airborne bacteria, smoke and dust, thus providing a better quality of air.
It all started the first time mankind managed to light a fire. We realized at that time that the heat is what we needed to survive through the cold months of winter especially in places where the extreme weather conditions are harsh enough to cost people their lives. Since that time, people have used various forms of harnessing fire to provide this much needed heat, mostly in the form of fire places. However, while fireplaces are still trendy and used in many households (not only as an indication of wealth but also in completely usable setups), they cannot provide efficient temperature regulation for the entire house especially if it is a big one.
Air conditioning is a collection of machinery. And like any other sort of machinery it requires maintenance to keep working in top efficiency and economically. As time passes by, various reasons will result in some mechanical parts getting worn out or dirt and dust accumulated in the air passages making it difficult to circulate the air and therefore regulate the climate. As more and more obstacles are added, our system needs more power to perform as efficiently as we need it to. And this costs money at the electric or gas bills.
Air conditioning is the process of regulating the temperature inside a room, an office, a concert hall, a stadium or wherever is needed to make it more comfortable for the people that will find themselves inside for any reason. Air conditioning is also used to keep products fresh or frozen wherever even the biggest regular refrigerators are not big enough to handle the requirements. When we are talking about air conditioning, we are talking about producing cool or cold air to lower the temperature of a certain area.
In the HVAC section we discussed about the basics of an installation of an HVAC system and what it provides. This is actually an enclosed setup that can be positioned either on a roof top or another adequate space and contains all the machinery required to provide both heating and air conditioning. There are systems that can cover up to 6.5 tons of capacity requirements, 12.5 tons all the way up to a maximum of 65 tons. It's up to the technician to recommend which enclosure will work best per case.
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