Experience a different kind of paint store. At Painters Alley, with convenient locations in Oak Harbor, Freeland and Anacortes, WA we understand the profound impact color has on your environment, and how it influences the success of your project. Featuring top of the line products for all your painting and staining needs, we'll help you create beautiful interiors and exteriors by suggesting the right product for your specific project. When it comes to paint and stains, quality begins with chemistry, and with than more than 100 chemists, chemical engineers, technicians and support staff working tirelessly to ensure Benjamin Moore formulations are best-in-class.
Need help understanding what you need to get the job done right? Our trained experts can help ease you through any painting and staining project with the proper paints and stains, tools and applications. The friendly staff at Painters Alley in Oak Harbor, Freeland and Anacortes, WA is focused on making sure your project is done right the first time, and we'll guide you to just the right products and supplies to complete your project. From professional painters to beginners, we're here to help you succeed in creating a finished project you can enjoy for years to come.