Hygiene info: Rest assured that we are taking extra care to be safe! When we are allowed to interact again, we can start with arm and hand designs, disinfecting skin with alcohol beforehand! We have new protocols for extra safety. Brenda is AMAZING! If you can get her and her crew for your event - DO IT! Her designs are a whole universe above and beyond anything I've ever seen in another face painter. True art that brings joy and delight to all ages. And she is just the loveliest, most professional, considerate person to work with.
Painted for a new friend at our evacuation hotel, who loved riding her bike (which was named Shooting Star) with her unicorn helmet on 😍 #santacruzmounta insstrong #bouldercreekstr ong #czulightningcom plex #evacuationart #iloveourcommuni ty
This sidewalk artist is fantastic!! He’s David Zinn, check out his other stuff too.
I can paint a shirt/backpack/ shoes/whatever for your kid, based on what they're excited about. We can have fun designing it together, and they'll be delighted to show it off! More info: https:// www.brendasfacep ainting.com/ kid-collabs Kids can be part of the experience, coaching what I paint!