Since 1989 Scott Derr Painting Company has built a reputation as the best paint contractor in the heavy civil industry. This reputation is built upon the superior level of quality and reliability contractors receive on every job. Scott Derr Painting has coated over 400 million square feet of concrete and steel nationwide, and has never had a project it couldn't complete. Scott Derr Painting offers its services on projects both big and small nationwide; and is licensed to work in and/or have performed work in the following states: Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and California.
Scott Derr Painting Company Cruise!
Stuck to nature's color scheme to blend in with the beautiful Red Hills Utah.
On November 4, 2104 nearly 4 million Texans strongly declared that they wanted to make a critical investment in our state's transportation system. Proposition 1 passed with 79.78% of the vote in a landslide victory.The victory represents the largest increase in transportation funding in the history...