We, at Bodine Painting Co., have been in the residential painting business in the metro area for the past 24 years. We do all types of interior and exterior painting and repairs. We do large and small projects. We paint existing homes, remodeled homes, new homes, condos, town homes and apartments. We do all enameling, staining, wall and ceiling painting, woodwork, cabinets and a list of specialty faux painting. The amount of detailing varies from just putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls, to meticulously repairing and painting walls, ceilings and woodwork throughout.

When you call me for a free estimate on the work you want done, we set up an appointment. When I come to your home I will ask you questions relating to your project and talk with you about your ideas on colors and decorating. You will then receive the proposal in the mail. Once you've decided on what areas you'd like us to do, you sign and return one copy of the proposal. We make another appointment at that time to start putting up color samples for creating the different finishes that interest you.

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