The people at Gorman Painting are reliable, professional painters who take pride in their work; paying meticulous attention to details providing you with the finish you expect. Our experienced staff is courteous and mindful of your property while maintaining the highest standards of professionalism in our work. We know and understand that your residence, building or office is a direct reflection of you and as such we take care to further your pride through the quality and excellence in craftsmanship we provide.
There is no question that the weather plays a BIG part in how long your exterior paint lasts. When choosing an exterior paint, there are a variety of price points and a wide range of quality. You'll pay less per gallon for lower quality paints, but don't let that fool you. Generally, you get more for your money, and a much better value, with higher quality paint. When it comes to choosing an exterior paint, you want a paint that is durable and can withstand the various elements and different weather cycles we face today.
Pick a color; perhaps even a color on any one of these pages. That's how most of us choose paint; however there are differences in the paint you choose just as there are differences in colors. When choosing an interior paint it is important to choose a safe yet durable paint which will stand the test of time and even more importantly, hold up to repeated cleaning as well. Today with so many allergies to mold and mildew, it is equally important to use a high quality paint which is mold and mildew resistant, especially in winter when your house is all buttoned up from the cold.