When people stop by, they're quick to spot problems or mistakes, such as a nick in the paint, uneven wall finish, a drip here or a splotch there. But when your walls are perfect, they never look twice. How do we provide such extraordinary finish work? Because we know there's a lot more to a great paint job than just slapping paint on a wall. In fact, applying the paint is the smallest part of our total painting process. Visit our official procedure pages for interior and exterior painting, to read a step-by-step breakdown of what goes into every paint job we do.
Pressure washing is a terrific way to remove dirt, mold, algae and mildew from exterior surfaces and decks. And it's one of the best ways to make sure that new paint will adhere properly to your home. In fact, pressure washing is the first step in the Keith Williams official exterior paint job procedure. Pressure washing can also revitalize your home or siding, removing the dirt or deposits that are hiding its beauty. And it can remove the mold and mildew that will quickly damage your home's finish if left untreated.
Some people believe that wallpaper will cover anything; that it's a great way to hide all sins. You can tell who they are: They're the ones with the uneven and peeling wallpaper. At Keith Williams Painting and Wallpapering, we know that preparation is just as important for wallpaper as it is for paint. And we never skimp when it comes to preparation, no matter what the final finish will be. Because of the many different types of wallpaper available, we prefer to send you to a nearby wallpaper supplier to choose your design and purchase your wallpaper yourself.
Many people consider paint when a surface loses its luster. The real issue may simply be deep-seated dirt or grime that's obscuring the true beauty of your home. At Keith Williams Painting and Wallpapering, we can help with that. We offer high pressure power washing services to strip away that dirt, grime, mold, algae and mildew, and bring out the natural beauty of your home, siding or decking. Cleaning is such a worthwhile and important procedure, we even include it as a preliminary step in our exterior paint procedure.
Whatever your needs, Keith Williams Painting and Wallpapering is here to help. We're your one-stop shop for repairing, refinishing and restoring your home to its original beauty. We can handle all of your basic carpentry repairs personally, from simple moldings and window sills, basic shelving and mantle repairs, and even tile installations. We can even handle basic electrical and plumbing repairs. Need carpentry repairs that are more involved? We have exclusive relationships with carpentry specialists who treat their work with the same pride and professionalism as we do.