If you are in need of crime scene cleanup Denver, suicide cleanup, homicide cleanup, hoarding cleanup, tear gas cleanup or any other extreme cleaning services in Denver, Colorado we are here 24-hours a day by calling (719) 201-2726. When we think of crime scenes, read about them in books, or see them on TV or in the movies we assume that "This will never happen to me or my family." But unfortunately, sometimes these situations are exactly what does happen to us, and then we have to deal with the aftermath of them.
We test each site after bio cleanup to ensure a clean and safe environment. We board up windows to prevent unauthorized entry and we have training in law enforcement. We deal directly with your insurance company. In most cases, you pay nothing out of pocket. We also comply with OSHA bloodborne pathogen standards. We're IICRC certified in Odor Control and we're Environmental Protection Agency certified Lead Renovators. CrimeTech services offers a multitude of specialty services that you won't find with other cleanup or restoration professionals.
We deal directly with your insurance company. In most cases, you pay nothing out of pocket. We also comply with OSHA bloodborne pathogen standards. We're IICRC certified in Odor Control and we're Environmental Protection Agency certified Lead Renovators. Some of the more common scenes include Homicides, Suicides, Assaults, Accidental, and Unattended Death. Since these situations can present special problems for loved ones, friends, neighbors, and businesses, our technicians are trained to decontaminate and remove any blood, tissue or bodily fluids that a violent crime or unfortunate act has left behind.
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