Casa Verde Garden Center & Landscaping has been providing quality landscape design to local residents and businesses for over 35 years. Casa Verde Garden Center and Landscape is located at 3924 Hwy 7 N, one mile south of Hot Springs Village west gate. Hours of operation, Monday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm and Saturday 8 am to 1 2 pm, weather permitting. Casa Verde's. Landscape business operates year-round, call for quotes!
Casa Verde Garden Center and Landscaping started in 1974, as a "seasonal business" that quickly grew into a year-round business largely due to the vast growth in Hot Springs Village and the surrounding area at that time. In 2011, after a period when the garden center had been basically closed for several years, the business was purchased by new owners, who practically changed the look of Highway 7 with the renovations made to the garden center. Hundreds of plants have been added to our inventory, including exotic varieties of perennials, ornamental shrubs and trees and so much more.
5” of good natural water 😁
Help wanted: Truck driver with CDL part time and full time positions available. Please call 501-609-9900 for further information .