Oakridge Industries Inc. has been in the resinous flooring and coatings industry for over 35 years and we pride ourselves on exceptional customer service, high quality workmanship and Integrity. Our extensive experience, knowledge and passion for what we do is what setsus apart from the competition. Our professional Oakridge Industries Team consists of Project Estimators, Sales Staff, Project Managers, Safety Managers, Administrative Staff, Lead Project Foreman, Professional Experienced Crew Installers, Sample and Design Staff andEquipment Shop Maintenance Staff.

Oakridge Industries Inc. provides full service Resinous Flooring and Coatings Installation. We self-perform each and every aspect from start to finish to ensure only the best complete package. We offer detailed bid proposals which include scope of work, full product system description, a schedule of values for cost analysis, pricing assumptions, qualifications and exclusions. Here at Oakridge Industries, we have a professional and experienced staff of estimators and use the latest high-tech quantity take off software such as on screen take off, cad, blue beam, BIM 360, Building connected, aconex and dodge global network.

Oakridge Industries offers a wide variety and range of seamless resinous flooring and high-performance wall coatings to meet your specific needs and requirements. Here you'll find a summary of each of our systems and products and the distinct advantages of each. Oakridge Industries offers a wide variety and range of seamless resinous floor and wall systems to meet your specific needs. Here you'll find a summary of each of our products and the distinct advantages of each - whichever you choose, Oakridge stands ready to deliver unrivaled quality with a full-service installation package.